13. August 2019 - Keine Kommentare!

Mauna Kea Testimonial

Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea… we love you!

The team at Ohanamana is deeply touched by the efforts of the indigenous people of Hawaii. And the many other supporters who have clearly shown their devotion and commitment to protect, honor and preserve the Mauna Kea. This expression of love for their sacred land is shared by us as we have enjoyed and been blessed so many times. When visiting this holy mountain and connecting to the Devine presence found there.

We at Ohanamana whole heartedly support this grass roots movement both spiritually and energetically and are impressed by the grace and dignity conveyed by the Hawaiian people. We see the stand for the Mauna Kea as a profound example of how human beings can steward our planet. And set a clear standard of living in integrity while being in reverence with nature. 

Mauna Kea

Ohanamana’s hope is that together we can create a better future. For earth when humans are able to consciously integrate the benefits of the euro science projects while at the same time honoring nature and its gifts. Acknowledging the wisdom, compassion and intelligence demonstrated by Hawaiians and supporting all indigenous cultures around the world in their quest to protect their sacred land is eminently important and the responsibility of all of us.

Thank you for listening!
Elisabeth and Jeffory


Veröffentlicht von: Elisabeth Renner in Allgemein, Articles

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